




Learn about web frameworks like Express/Koa etc. but I think what really helps is coding some CLI apps, doing I/O like filesystem and text manipulation etc. Learning express or any other web framework would just take a weekend, using other libraries will take longer but at the end you will only know about connecting these libraries together and not much else.

Learn JavaScript module systems like ESM, try to dive into package.json side of things; maybe create some NPM packages. If you don’t know, start learning TypeScript as well. Learn more about bundlers etc., like esbuild, webpack, rollup. Maybe create some boilerplate projects using webpack or esbuild. Try to automate stuff for your daily work/use cases, for example write a program to change filenames. Create automation scripts etc. There is just a whole world you can do with NodeJS than using some web framework like Express.

It’s all about learning and expanding your JavaScript knowledge through the diversity/flexibility that comes with Node, so don’t focus on just one thing but try as much stuff as possible. Especially automating stuff and trying to refactor that code when you learn new techniques will open more doors.

But if you only want to focus on web stuff, learn express but after you feel like you are getting comfortable just change to a different framework like Koa/Hapi/Fastify. And ultimately learn TypeScript and start learning/using NestJS, which is imho the most professional/enterprise web framework in node universe.